Friday, June 3, 2011

Adventures With Socks!

I know these pictures are a bit grainy, but you can tell what's going on.  My son, he's just awesome, isn't he!  These are screen grabs from his day care's web cam...
  1. Successfully removed sock from foot!  YEY!
  2. mmmm, the sock tastes like squash!
  3. OH, Teacher took sock away, thank goodness I have ANOTHER one!
  4. Why won't this sock come off!

Look how easy he can lift that leg and put his foot in his mouth!  Wait, should we be proud?  Well, anyway, we are!  By the way, he can ALSO stick his entire fist in his mouth!  YES, that we should be proud of!

Soon after, a passy was found and took all interest in socks away, and time for a little nap.  Taking just one sock off is hard work!!!  Apparently...  Notice he still has only one sock on.  NICE! :)

Have a great weekend everybody!

Update - 4:55 pm - NOW he has NO socks!  HEHEHE

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