Monday, October 20, 2014

Two weeks of Limbo

So, there is not much to report.  This has been a long and hard limbo between surgery and follow up surgery.  Lots of things happened and not much of which I can really talk about.  Just know that we do need prayers for guidance on some decisions, not with Dean and his health, other issues that have come up.  I hate to be so vague, but we just need support and prayer to help us through some things.  Dean is doing well, he looks great and is eager to get the follow-up surgery and get to healing.  So, we also need prayers for this second round of healing to go quick.  He will most likely be in the hell on earth Kindred for his birthday (11/14) but we are hoping and praying he makes it home the week before Thanksgiving.

His follow up is scheduled for tomorrow.  It's been two weeks since his last surgery, and it would have been only 1 week if the surgeon wasn't in a conference in Florida.  We also hope that his surgery goes at the time it's planned, which we don't know but last time his 4:30 scheduled surgery didn't happen until 9:30 pm.  He will be admitted for a few days at MH (bring on the good food!!) so the same crud we went through with Kindred will happen again.

The Kindred crud is this....
Apparently Kindred has a policy that if you are not back in your room for 24 hours for ANY reason, you are discharged.  The problem with this is we were told the surgery was a day surgery, in, surgery, and out.  We didn't know he would be admitted until we got to pre-op.  And of course nobody told this to Kindred.  Also, we didn't know Kindred discharged him until he tried to go back Friday afternoon (at 5pm of course when things are closed and people are gone). They actually told Dean he couldn't have his old room because it was occupied.  Turns out it was, BY HIM!  AND when Dean got back Friday, all his stuff was there, and his IV machine was still beeping from being disconnected when Dean left the Tuesday before!  Hell on Earth.

So, we do need prayers, pleas pray that this surgery is successful.  Pray that Kindred works with Dean BETTER and MH gets him back there to be admitted again by Thursday.  Please pray for fast healing, and again for guidance for the unspoken issues we will eventually tell everybody about but we cannot at this time.

In other news, what a horrible fall from GRACE!  Aggies??  What is UP?  Did you even KNOW you were playing a football game in Alabama this weekend?  HELLO???  UG!!!  From being ranked as high as 6 to not being ranked at all, this is horrible.  :(  Oh well, watch out Next Year SEC!  The Aggies are coming!  WHOOP!!!

Also, Jake and I got to have some fun this weekend.  We had a nice breakfast with Nonnie and Papa on Saturday morning at IHOP.  It's always fun to go have breakfast out every once in a while!

Then, on Sunday, Jake had been asking about going to the Zoo, which he does from time to time because we drive by it each time we go visit his Daddy.  And, the Weekends in October are the ZOO BOO, so he got to dress up in his costume and get candy and do some cool Halloween things!

On our way, we are READY!

Lolly pops are AWESOME

Monster Mural and Painting a mini pumpkin

Taking a break from all the fun
And, doing the Thriller ZOMBIE DANCE

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